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Business Law

The Three Basics of Trademark Law
Trademark law is the branch of law that protects the identity of a business and the products they offer. This can include things like protecting a business's name from being copied by counterfeiters, and protecting the reputation of the business or its products from individuals who are offering similar services.

Understanding the Alternatives to Foreclosure
Our home is our most valuable possession, providing us with safety, security, and shelter from the storms of life. But sometimes due to circumstances outside of our control, like economic loss, our very refuge can become at risk of being taken from us.

What Can I Expect at a Mediation Session?
Mediation is a process by which the injured party and the insurance company meet with a trained, unbiased third party to attempt to come to an agreement on compensation.

Why Having a Business Succession Plan is Important
Business succession planning is important for a variety of reasons. If the founder of the company is still at the helm that person wants to see his or her company succeed well into the future. Fortunately, good planning and as well as clear criteria for how a successor will be named can make it easy to identify new leaders for any business.

Estate Planning

Planning Your Estate – Charitable Donation Options
When it comes to being responsible, part of this involves planning out one's estate. When the person dies, there will be assets and money left behind that have to go somewhere.

Family Law

Guide to Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative divorce is a method of resolving common disputes in a divorce – how property will be divided, the amount of spousal support payments, who will have custody of the children, etc. – without having to endure the traditional courtroom battles most people dread.

Difference Between Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce Cases
For married couples who are seeking a divorce, there are a variety of legal terms and proceedings that both partners must familiarize themselves with, and you may be wondering whether or not you need to hire a divorce attorney.

4 Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce
While couples still promise to "love, honor and obey until death do we part," important bits and pieces around the corners of the institution keep changing in essential and surprising ways.

The Family Medical Leave Act Explained
The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law that came to existence in 1993. President Bill Clinton created the act so that hard working Americans could get the medical assistance they needed without the added stress of losing their jobs.

Divorce — Steps for Ending Your Marriage
When two people are in a marriage that is not working out, they may have arguments that are tremendous. There can be so many things that are going wrong, and they just can't get along at all.

Real Estate Law

How to Legally Challenge New Construction as Inconsistent with the Local Community
New retail developments, hotels, factories, and other buildings seem to be popping up all over.

10 Must-Have Items in Your Lease or Rental Contract
A lease or rental agreement is a legal contract that sets the rules landlords and tenants must follow in their rental relationship. It can be as short as one page or much longer - as long as it details the agreed-upon terms of the rental or lease.

Resolving Land Use Disputes Between Neighbors
Pleasant conversations with neighbors over the fence are what many people envision when they move into a new home. It can be disappointing when the reality is disputes over easements and land use instead.

Understanding Your Rights as a Tenant in an Eviction
When it comes to being evicted, a landlord must first give proper notice to a tenant. He or she cannot simply stop by one day, enter the home and carry all of the tenant's belongings out on the street.

Attorneys and the Mobile Home Park Conversion Process
Mobile Home Park Conversion is a worthy process, but not one to be attempted on your own.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Mobile Home Park Conversion
Sometimes, the residents of a mobile home park decide or are faced with the decision of converting their mobile home park from a model where home owners rent their lot and pay for shared services to a common interest development.

5 Legal Concern for Owners of Waterfront Property
Many property owners purchase waterfront properties to accomplish their dream of having their own relaxing vacation retreat.

Establishing Deed Restrictions as a Developer
If you're a developer, you're likely thinking about what you can do to make your development pleasing to your target market.

How to Make Your Short Sale Successful
If you've found yourself in the position where you're having to consider foreclosure on your home, you're probably spending a lot of time trying to learn about other options.

Understanding Deed Restrictions
If you're looking at purchasing a piece of property or a home, you may be curious about deed restrictions –what they are and exactly how much weight they carry.

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